Shareware Information This program is shareware. That means that you can give away as many copies as you want, but if you use it, please be a decent person and send me $7.00 for my time and trouble. I mean, I program the Mac for fun, but I have to pay the rent somehow. There is a shareware registration form included in this chapter. Print this chapter, and send the completed form with $7 US to Steve Stockman Sunflower Softworks 3640 Oaktree Circle #306 Fort Worth TX 76133-4707 Thanks, Steve 817-292-9443 CompuServe: 76507,2646 America Online: SonflowrSw Internet: or PS: Source code is available to any registered user that wants it. Just include an extra dollar and a note to that effect. SHAREWARE REGISTRATION FORM Software: Menu Bar Pattern 1.04 Name: Company: Address: Phone: Email addresses: Where did you obtain Menu Bar Pattern? Comments: